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Call For Papers (CFP) 

You are invited to submit your work to our in-person MILLanD workshop, which will be held jointly with MICCAI 2023, the premier international conference in Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. It attracts world leading biomedical scientists, engineers, and clinicians from a wide range of disciplines.


MILLanD2023 License to Publish Form

MILLanD2023 Springer Instructions for Authors of Proceedings


Deep learning (DL) methods have led to significant advances in various applications. In the medical domain, DL techniques have been used for processing and analyzing a broad spectrum of medical image modalities as they provide valuable information on understanding, detecting, and diagnosing diseases. Some examples of medical image modalities include chest X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, fundus images, colposcopic images, ultrasound echocardiography, and microscopic images. DL-based image analysis can help doctors and researchers in several aspects, such as segmenting organs-of-interest or clinically important regions, localizing and measuring disease manifestations, identifying and classifying disease patterns, enhancing image quality for better/easier manual interpretation, and recommending therapies based on the predicted stage of the disease. 


Although data-driven DL approaches have a huge potential to advance medical imaging technologies, the performance of these approaches rely heavily on the quality and availability of relatively large and annotated datasets for training.  However, obtaining such datasets in the medical domain is difficult and expensive. Medical image datasets are usually small or highly imbalanced due to several factors including patient privacy constraints, rare or complex diseases, and lack of diversity. They are also likely to be incompletely annotated due to tedious annotation. Further, datasets collected from real-world scenarios tend to contain missing and imperfect data due to sensor or background noise and corruptions. There might exist noisy labels due to ambiguity in annotations, human fatigue, and large inter/intra-user variations. Distribution/domain shifts which can significantly degrade the generalization performance of models are common and considerable for limited medical data given the variability of populations, disease manifestations, and imaging devices. Limited data may also lead to model bias, a particularly critical issue for medical applications in which DL decisions are of high consequence. To address training challenges in imperfect and data-limited scenarios, several techniques have been proposed, such as, weakly supervised learning, transfer learning, active learning, few shot learning, ensemble learning, and data augmentation, among others. Despite the promise of these techniques in a wide range of applications, there are still significant limitations and challenges when applied to medical images. There is also a lack of theoretical understanding and explanation of these techniques. Hence, new frameworks, algorithms, and techniques for coping with and learning from noisy data or data with limited annotations should be proposed to advance real-world modeling in medical image applications and improve the state-of-the-art of such research. 


This workshop brings together machine learning scientists, biomedical engineers, and medical doctors to discuss challenges and limitations of current deep learning methods applied to medical data and present new methods for training models using imperfect and limited real-world medical data. Topics of special interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • Data annotation strategies, data augmentation strategies

  • Approaches for automated medical image annotation/labeling

  • Approaches for medical image augmentation/synthesis

  • Approaches for learning noise invariant features 

  • Learning with noisy/corrupted data or uncertain labels

  • Optimal data and source selection for effective training 

  • Weakly-supervised, semi-supervised, self-supervised learning

  • Transfer learning strategies and modality-specific representation 

  • Learning in real-world and open environment scenarios

  • Zero-shot learning and one-shot learning

  • New datasets and metrics to evaluate the above methods 

Important Dates


  • July 1, 2023: Submission Deadline

  • July 28, 2023 Acceptance Notification

  • August 17, 2023Camera-Ready Deadline

  • September 6, 2023: Workshop proceedings due

Submission Instructions

We welcome short or full length papers: 


Extended Abstracts: We encourage the submissions of short papers (2-4 pages) describing new, previously, or concurrently published research or work-in-progress. The paper will be published in the workshop webpage and presented as a poster.


Full Length Papers:  We encourage the submissions of full length papers (8 pages excluding references and supplementary material) describing new work that has not been previously published. Accepted papers will be presented as orals/posters and published with MICCAI Proceedings in the Springer LNCS Series. 


  • Please carefully read MICCAI Submission Guidelines when preparing your submission.

  • Up to two pages supplementary material can be added after references. The supplementary materials should not contain text materials beyond figure and table captions, definition of variables in equations, or detailed proof of a theorem. 

  • The reviewing process is double-blind. Authors should avoid providing information that may identify them in the acknowledgments (e.g., grant IDs) or citations. Avoid providing links to websites that may identify any of the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines may lead to rejection without further review. 

  • The papers will be reviewed by at least three referees.  All papers will be evaluated by external reviewers and area chairs. 

  • Authors of all accepted abstracts and papers will be invited to present their work as a poster or an oral.

  • We strongly encourage authors to highlight the contribution of all authors in the paper. 

  • We strongly encourage authors to improve the reproducibility of their research along three directions: open data, open implementations, and appropriate evaluation design and reporting. 



Paper template:  Please use the most recent MICCAI2023 template


Submission Page: Go to Microsoft CMT MILLanD2023


Medical Image Learning with Limited & Noisy Data (MILLanD)


MICCAI Workshop 


Oct. 8, 2023


Vancouver Convention Centre Canada

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